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Introduction to Portuguese in short parts with activities and exercises. Key phrases to learn Portuguese sounds and pronunciation with audio.

In this term you will learn:

  • definite and indefinite articles (o, a, os, as, um, uma, uns, umas)
  • personal pronouns (eu, tu, ela, ele, você, nós, elas, eles vocês)
  • verbs in the simple present tense (ser, estar, ter, ir, regular verbs)
  • prepositions and contractions of prepositions (do, da, dos, das, no, na, nos nas, à, aos, em frente de, ao lado de, entre, atrás de, debaixo de, em cima de, dentro de etc…)
  • possessive pronouns (meu, minha, teu, tua, seu, sua, nosso, nossa, vosso, vossa, seus, suas, deles, delas)
  • adjectives (alto, gordo, magro, feio, pequeno, limpo, simpático, grande, etc…)
  • interrogative pronouns (onde, de onde, qual, como, o que, quanto, quem)
Please, listen to the teacher’s introduction first.

Portuguese alphabet

Definite articles & nouns (1)

Indefinite articles (2)

Basic colours and numbers (3)

Verb To be – SER (4)

Verb To be – ESTAR (5)

Regular verbs ending in – AR (6)

Regular verbs ending in – ER (7)

Regular verbs ending in – IR (8)

Irregular verbs TER, IR (9)

Possessive pronouns (10)

Present continuous (11)

After (all) these lessons and the exercises you will be able to say phrases like the examples below:

  • Greetings and introductions
    Olá, bom dia. Eu sou a Maria. Como estás? > Hello good morning. I am Maria. How are you?
  • Physical descriptions
    Eu sou alta, magra e tenho o cabelo castanho. > I am tall, thin, and I have brown hair.
  • Days of the week and months
    Amanha é segunda-feira e no próximo mês vou ao circo. > Tomorrow is Monday and next month I go to the circus.
  • Countries and nationalities
    Ela é portuguesa e mora em Lisboa. > She is Portuguese and she lives in Lisbon.
  • Jobs and occupations
    Ele trabalha num hotel e é economista. > He works in a hotel and he is an economist.
  • Numbers 0 – 100
    Eu estudo portugués duas vezes por semana na academia perto da minha casa. > I study Portuguese twice a week in the academy near my house.
  • The family
    A tua prima joga ténis. O seu primo joga ténis. > Your (informal) cousin (feminine) plays tennis. Your (formal) cousin (masculine) plays tennis.
  • Booking a room in a hotel
    Boa tarde, tem quartos de casal? > Good afternoon, do you have double room?
  • Rooms of the house
    A sala da casa da amiga do Manuel é grande mas a casa de banho é pequena. > The living-room of Manuel’s friend (feminine) is big, but the bathroom is small.
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