Regular verbs ending in – AR (6)

(Os verbos regulares – AR)


In Portuguese there are 3 different classes of regular verbs: ending in |ar|, verbs ending in |er|, verbs ending in |ir|. Each class of regular verbs has its own pattern of termination when conjugated. When conjugating regular verbs in Portuguese you just have to preserve the root of the verb and substitute |AR| for the following bold terminations: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -am.



CANTAR (To Sing)
eu (I) cant|o (sing)
tu (you) cant|as (sing)
ele (he)
ela (she)
você (you – formal)
cant|a (sings)
nós (we) cant|amos (sing)
vocês (you – plural) cant|am (sing)
eles (they – masc.)
elas (they – fem.)
cant|am (sing)



CANTAR (To Sing)
eu (I) não cant|o (don’t sing)
tu (you) não cant|as (don’t sing)
ele (he)
ela (she)
você (you – formal)
não cant|a (doesn’t sing)
nós (we) não cant|amos (don’t sing)
vocês (you – plural) não cant|am (don’t sing)
eles (they – masc.)
elas (they – fem.)
não cant|am (don’t sing)



Eu falo português. > I speak portuguese.
Tu falas espanhol. > You speak spanish.
Você fala inglês? > Do you speak English?
Ele trabalha muito. > He works a lot.
Ela mora perto da praia. > She lives near the beach.
Você não fuma? > Don’t you smoke?
Ele usa o carro da vizinha. > He is using the neighbour’s car.
Nos não tocamos piano. > We don’t play piano.
Eles não brincam com as amigas. > They don’t play with the girlfriends.
Vocês compram peixe no mercado. > You (plural) buy fish at the market.


Verbs ending in -ar vocabulary

estudar to study
pensar to think
trabalhar to work
pagar to pay
morar to live
comprar to buy
mostrar to show
andar to walk
visitar to visit
tomar to take
gostar to like
fechar to close
lavar to wash
falar to speak
ensinar to teach
tocar to play instruments
jogar to play games / sports
brincar to play with kids
fumar to smoke


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