Regular verbs ending in – ER (7)
(Os verbos regulares – ER)
In Portuguese there are 3 different classes of regular verbs: ending in |ar|, verbs ending in |er|, verbs ending in |ir|. Each class of regular verbs has its own pattern of termination when conjugated. When conjugating regular verbs ending in |ER| you just have to preserve the root of the verb and substitute |ER| for the following bold terminations: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -em.
ESCREVER (To Write) | ||
eu (I) | escrev|o (write) | |
tu (you) | escrev|es (write) | |
ele (he) ela (she) você (you – formal) |
escrev|e (writes) | |
nós (we) | escrev|emos (write) | |
vocês (you – plural) | escrev|em (sing) | |
eles (they – masc.) elas (they – fem.) |
escrev|em (write) |
ESCREVER (To Write) | ||
eu (I) | não escrev|o (don’t write) | |
tu (you) | não escrev|es (don’t write) | |
ele (he) ela (she) você (you – formal) |
não escrev|e (doesn’t write) | |
nós (we) | não escrev|emos (don’t write) | |
vocês (you – plural) | não escrev|em (don’t sing) | |
eles (they – masc.) elas (they – fem.) |
não escrev|em (don’t write) |
Eu escrevo cartas todos os dias. > I write letters every day. Tu bebes cerveja no bar da praia. > You drink beer at the bar on the beach. Ele come carne uma vez por semana no restaurante do Sr. José. > He eats meat once a week at Mr. Jose’s restaurant. Vocè vive no Algarve? > Do you (formal) live in the Algarve? Nós não comemos carne. Somos vegetarianos. > We don’t eat meat. We are vegetarians. Eles aprendem português na casa ao lado do Jardim municipal. > They learn Portuguese in the house next to the municipal garden. Eles comem peixe e bebem vinho tinto no terraço. > They eat fish and drink red wine on the terrace. Nos não batemos no cão. > We don’t hit the dog. Agradecemos a sua ajuda. > We are thankful for your help. Adormecem muito cedo. > They fall asleep very early. |
Verbs ending in -er vocabulary
beber | to drink | |
comer | to eat | |
viver | to live | |
conviver | to live together / to relate | |
bater | to hit | |
aprender | to learn | |
* conhecer | to know | |
* adoecer | to get sick | |
* arrefecer | to cool down | |
* agradecer | to thank | |
* descer | to go down | |
* esquecer | to forgot | |
* adormecer | to fall asleep | |
* pertencer | to belong | |
* parecer | to seam / to look like | |
** eleger | to choose from | |
*** erguer | to lift / to raise | |
* The verbs ending in |-cer| like parecer, descer, conhecer must add cedilha (ç) – a mark under the letter c, to the |c| before the letter |o| to maintain the sound in the first person.
Eu conheço a amiga do João. > I know John’s girlfriend. Eu arrefeço a sopa. > I cool down the soup. Eu agradeço a tua ajuda. > I thank you for you help. |
** The verbs ending in |-ger| like abranger, eleger, change the |g| into |j| before the letter |o| to maintain the sound in the first person.
Eu elejo o restaurante. > I choose the restaurant. |
*** The verbs ending in |-uer| like erger, loose the |u| before the |o|, because it is not necessary to maintain the sound in the first person.
Eu ergo a bandeira. > I raise the flag. |