Plural in Portuguese
(O plural em portugués)
General rule (Regra geral)
Words ending in vocals or diphthong add |s| (except ending in –ão)
Singular | Plural | Translation |
casa | casas | house > houses |
cidade | cidades | city > cities |
taxi | taxis | taxi > taxis |
livro | livros | book > books |
chapéu | chapéus | hat > hats |
rã | rãs | frog > frogs |
arvore | arvores | tree > trees |
mãe | mães | mother > mothers |
mau | maus | hand > hands |
céu | céus | sky > skies |
Words ending in consonants
Singular | Plural | Translation |
jornal | jornais | newspaper > newspapers |
hotel | hoteis | hotel > hotels |
difícil | difíceis | difficult |
fácil | fáceis | easy |
farol | farois | lighthouse > lighthouses |
azul | azuis | blue |
Singular | Plural | Translation |
homem | homens | man > men |
atum | atums | tuna fish > tuna fishes |
som | sons | sound > sounds |
Singular | Plural | Translation |
flor | flores | flower > flowers |
mulher | mulheres | woman > wimin |
cor | cores | colour > colours |
Singular | Plural | Translation |
lápis | lápis | pencil > pencils |
mes | meses | month > months |
português | portugueses | portuguese > portugueses |
Singular | Plural | Translation |
rapaz | rapazes | boy > boys |
raiz | raizes | root > roots |
cruz | cruzes | cross > crosses |
Plural of definitive articles & nouns (for words ending in o/a)
To transform nouns ending in voyels |o| or |a| into plurals, Portuguese simply adds an |s|. The rule is the same with the definitive article, |o| becomes |os| and |a| becomes |as|.
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